Rules - BattleZone



Teams of three.

Each team will nominate an athlete for each round.

Same athlete can be nominated multiple times.

Whichever team wins the most rounds, from a maximum of five rounds, wins the match.

All six athletes from both teams will have to weigh in the same Weight Group (see below).


Best-of-Five format.

Each round will be 7 mins (10 mins for championship matches), with 1 min break between each round.

If a team wins three consecutive rounds, that will be the end of the match.

Group Weight Classes

Weight Groups From: To:
"Division C" [60kg (132lb) 69kg (152lb)]
"Division B" [70kg (154lb) 79kg (174lb)]
"Division A" [80kg (176lb) 89kg (196lb)]


Alpha One operates a "1-point" system, as follows:

 - Takedown = x1 point

 - Guard-pass = x1 point

 - Back-take (both hooks in, body-triangle) = x1 point

 - Mount = x1 point

 - Sweep = x1 point

Illegal Actions

Following actions would lead to an immediate disqaulification, if attempted intentionally:

 - Eye gouging

 - Fish hooking

 - Grabbing extremities (fingers, hair, toes, ears, etc)

 - Posting on the face

 - One-handed wind pipe grip

 - Slamming oponent when in closed-guard

Professional Conduct

All athletes are expected to behave in a professional and sportsman-like manner. Any deliberate unprofessional behaviour would result in a stern-warning, and/or immediate disqualification from the current and future events.

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